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13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Onion Very Medicinal

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Onions source of healing. Abundant in A, B, and vitamin C. In the onions, heart and prostate disease, neurasthenia, skin disease and is good for many diseases such as sexual impotence Abundant onion, A, B, and in particular vitamin C, much phosphorus, iodine, silica, sulfur, similar to the body ...

Abundant in A, B, and vitamin C. In the onions, heart and prostate disease, neurasthenia, skin disease and is good for many diseases such as sexual impotence

Abundant onion, A, B, and in particular vitamin C, much phosphorus, iodine, silica, sulfur, very beneficial to the body, such substances, essential oils and antibiotic as digestive enzymes that increase the recording experts, onion and prostate disorders heart, pancreas, amblyopia (sugar), nerve growth factor acts weakness is rheumatism, skin diseases, impotence, weakness of the stomach accumulated good for diseases such as plenty of water and urea in urine in the body comes from söktürdüğünü and reported. Onion, the salt of the body is more than the experts said the pancreas and blood sugar levels by increasing the reduced insulin ifrazatını.

Onions eaten rare cancer seen more countries and people in this country are living longer, experts say, onion, liver and intestines cleaned and disinfected poison and prevent food poisoning there body, shed intestinal worms, he said.

To remove the smell of onions in the mouth after eating bread crusts or parsley is enough that experts violation of potatoes, onions, separate, dry, cool place to keep it, because the moisture in the softened onions, potatoes release said he.

10 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Benefits of Radish

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Removed soon after sowed radishes, edible come to the fore with the advantages of the utmost importance. Are often used in salads in our country, should also be noted that the benefits of radish is also very large. Especially during the fight against cancer, kidney stones, and reduce turptan available. Possession winter days, the levels of vitamin C to help with a serious attention to the balls.

Season will run out soon, but as much as possible should be enough to consume in order to obtain the maximum performance. Children acquire the habit of consuming radish catch your attention in this regard. In general, as can be seen in pink and black radish.

Black radish can be used, especially in problems such as shortness of breath and bronchitis. Due to the. Of those who live high in fiber, cholesterol problems and is a must for those who want to lose weight can help

Cancer Warning!

Technological advances continue to improve every aspect of our lives GM foods in an increase in the number of people with cancer in the world. Breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, types of cancer, such as lung cancer, even if it is in the treatment of stage time of herbs and natural helpers get support on this issue is very important.

Radish added carcinogens into the body leads to destruction. It also hosts the content of iodine and sulfur can be used in the fight against liver disease. Turptan benefit in reducing the sand and stones in the kidneys. Cough is also known to the problems of the radish is also used for hair.

Brought to market in recent years, especially with the help of some medicines for diabetes is well known, the benefits of radish hair professionals are ignored. Moreover, the positive effect of the immune system against the pros and gums is one of the pros should not be forgotten. Therefore, the consumption of radishes on a regular basis in your daily life become a habit.

Benefits of carrot

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Known, carrots have a direct positive influence to see to many other benefits. Especially children and the elderly are recommended to be consumed by. Effective support in the fight against the disease in terms of vitamin content can be hosted. Known to have a major impact on the carrot in many ways.

Origin in Asia and the Mediterranean over a lot more. Grown in these soils are often comes to the fore as a big advantage for us. Goes toward the inside of the vertical base, the orange color. The flesh is rich in the mouth when in a long time so resilient eaten too strenuous. The food is very tasty and sweet. Salads, dishes, desserts are sine qua non. They have a place obtained in the culture of many Turkish food produced in these countries is due to say.

Rich in sugar. Sugar instead of white sugar for children so that they would meet the needs of crops like carrots accurate. Simultaneously engaged, B, C contained, D vitamin and E vitamin. Of course, do not forget the positive effect of vitamin A for the eyes.

How to consume carrots?

It is recommended to consume more raw carrot. Since the high temperature properties of vitamins can lose the contents have contained. Be taken to get enough vitamin A is recommended for both the shell and the other is consuming for professionals. Pulp causes the intestines. It should also be noted that the carrot is rich in mineral salts.

Strengthens the heart and lowers cholesterol. Involved in the production of red blood cells and white blood cells are blood-forming effect. Approximately 40 calories in 100 grams of carrots is known. The food will help those who want to lose weight naturally. Definitely should make a habit of carrot consumption in children. To act accordingly result in greater benefits.

Herbs for Rheumatism Herniated St John's wort

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St. John's (St. John's) is often seen on the banks of the fields and woods. Kanotu John's wort, Hypericum koyunkıran, kuzukıran, hemorrhoids herbs and medicinal plants known by such names yaraotu
Open wounds, injuries, new, blue, purple spots, sunburn and rough skin of the face can be used as a tonic for the maintenance, cold sores, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, back pain, herniated disc, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, paralysis regions as spreadable butter may be used used.

Hypericum oil is very easy to prepare. The plant flowers in glass blowing finely chopped linseed oil, olive oil extra virgin is deposited used for pain, the addition of fat should cover the top of the flowers, the sun was waiting for 5 days to open the lid, the lid firmly closed at the end the 5 days and 1 month instead, in a sunny environment. At the end of one month, the oil is filtered. This oil is sun burns, cold sores, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, back pain, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, pain. Caused by heavy lifting, hernia and applied by rubbing the paralyzed areas

In addition, the içilebir Hypericum herb as a tea.
Added a teaspoon of St. John's wort flower to a cup of boiling water and infusion for 3-4 minutes, then filtered, drink 2-3 glasses a day
Healing Herbal Tea nervous, nervous disorders, neuroses, insomnia, nervous fatigue, speech disorders, uykularda, uyurgezerlikte hysteria crisis, bedwetting, depression, developmental disabilities underage girls, menstrual disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, menopause, stress and suffering extremely useful tensions in removing .

St. John's Wort Herb benefits:

Nerve healing, nervous disorders, neuroses, insomnia, nervous fatigue, speech disorders, uykularda, hysteria crisis uyurgezerlikte, bedwetting, depression, menstrual disorders in young girls at the age of development of chronic fatigue syndrome, menopause, stress and tension during the tribulation, the sun burns Cold sores, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, back pain, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, herniated disc, hernia, rheumatism, pain and paralysis in areas that emerged as a consequence of the heavy lifting, skin care, skin prüzlerinin relief, acne, acne, open wounds, the new injury blue. purple spots, sunburn, rough skin of face care tonic, cold sores, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, back pain, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism

Blush (Rosacea) Mallow Plant

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Rosacea (rose disease) is a skin condition that usually begins in the mid 30s. Rosacea is a disease, increased disease, also known as gülleme. Face, particularly the nose, will appear redness and pimples on their own. Rozesea exact cause of the disease is unknown, Rosacea (rose disease) by vitamin B deficiency, alcohol, cigarette smoking and depression in sayılsa. Rosacea (rose Disease) kızarıklarından complained especially about the nose is a common feature in the stomach and digestive problems. A common feature is that. Burning eyes and sensitivity to sunlight Rosacea is a disease that people with mental, social and physical problems that creates.

Roadsides and banks of the old wall harabeliklerde, and people where they live, grown near the flowers and vegetables in the gardens. So many kinds of flowers and leaves are grown in Anatolia, is called a non-discriminatory "Mallow".

Mallow, stems, flowers and leaves contains gel-like substance. Collected stems, leaves and flowers from June to September between. Although some of the properties of the dried plant yetirmesine be used as dry substance.

Preparation: In a cup of warm water, half a teaspoon of finely chopped hibiscus (1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons) on the next day was added and let steep for 1 night warmed slightly by filtration.

Rosacea (Gülleme), where disease is caused by the rash around the nose and eyes, and is made of a cotton swab. This water shall not exceed 2 per day drank tea, mouth, gargle with water are made.

Emphysema in the lungs, which improves shortness of breath, and hibiscus tea. In this case be drunk three cups of tea per day, plant flowers and leaves first and filtered then the rest of the top side and on göhüs compress the lungs must be heated.

Eye dryness and burning hibiscus tea, bath and very good results can be used to compress.

Hibiscus tea, mucosal inflammation, gastritis, cystitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract inflammation of the stomach and intestines effectively.

Balgamlarında lungs, cough and voice kısıklıklarında useful. Inflammation of the tonsils and mouth hibiscus tea is very successful.

Hibiscus tea wounds that are caused by inflammation of blood vessels, çıbanlarda, swollen feet and hands. In these cases, the foot and hand baths are made.

Ulcers of the digestive tract is very good to drink barley soup with mixed results. Barley leaves of the plant are boiled and then cooled and added to drink this soup.


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Leaved mallow along the walls Gah Gah road edges, but it always grows in places where people in the neighboring residential areas.

It must be a house where there is a hibiscus.

Large-leaved mallow (Malva grandifolia), and other varieties are usually grown in the garden and bostanlarda.

The two types of leaves, flowers and stems contain mucilage and tannins.

Necked, round leaves and small purple pink flowers are the fruit of a round.

Flowers, leaves and stems collected from June to September.

The effect of the dried mucus is lost use hibiscus as fresh as possible.

However, the dried plant medicinal value.

Hibiscus, bladder, stomach, intestine, mouth iltihablarında, gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers useful.

For this soup with barley leaves.

First Hibiscus is added to the cooled cooked barley.

Particularly to reduce phlegm, bronchitis, cough, hoarseness, laryngitis, tonsillitis (angina), and the mouth is recommended.

Plant, do not müsilajını in cold water poured on the night.

The next day, 2-3 cups of tea during the day light ılıtılarak drink.

Therapy is very difficult, and shortness of breath is effective in the development of emphysema.

Drink at least 3 cups of hibiscus tea and rest after draining wound on the chest with a gauze night.

Tea bath to dryness of the eye tear is a rare disease and compressed useful.

Hibiscus tea is mild relax allergy itching and burning in the face by washing.

The hands and feet are used for external wounds and ulcers.

In such cases, hand and foot bath is taken.

These bathrooms had great success.

Foot baths are fractures of the hibiscus is highly recommended.

Neighbors, who broke her ankle a few years ago, had a lady to walk in full iyileşmeyince hospitalized again.

After leaving the hospital, I ran into him.

Although very slow to walk with a cane.

Mallow were collected.

The next day they began to take foot baths.

I exaggerate not broken, a week after the stick left, turned right ankle leg normal, just another housewife and mother gibi.Hangi, give that a lady would immediately?

Hand swelled every night.

When I met him, I suggested that hibiscus.

Recovers quickly.

Use frustrated with open wounds yaprakaları herb hibiscus.

The mixture is thoroughly washed on the wound and placed still moist.

Overnight wound is closed and an open or more, 10 to 15 years.

If you are so frustrated with grass on an open wound, so take my advice

Wounds are closed, you will be surprised how quickly.

This gives you a little story about what is done is Beacon healing.

I sat alone at a restaurant in Linz.

A lady came to me and said he had lost her husband's voice.

Doctors and avoid answering questions, and eventually learned that her husband throat cancer.

"Do not despair!" I said.

"Medicinal plants try! Throat infections ebegümecimiz effective.

And barley flour and stir frequently throughout the day, I gargarasını pulp wrap your throat tonight. "

This event happened on Thursday.

We were good friends with the lady called me on Wednesday www aldık.Ertesi week:

"My husband is better, anything you say, treat yaptık.Bir daughter home from the hospital in Vienna doktor.Ona herbs tell my wife, if you feel better in my head now - he said.

At the same time you experts told him the situation and he said he was not opposed in principle herbal remedies.

So my husband came home, we have every day, and gargle made a compress.

Improved a few days ago the sound. "

A week later came another call:

"My husband is very good to get as soon as possible and continue öğretmeliğe umutlu.Uzmanımıza I tell them all about you-the-this woman deserves a medal.

In these cases, the 2.5-liter night brew hibiscus tea, use 1 cup for each liter or 1 heaping teaspoon of hibiscus tea brewing kullanın.Sabahleyin to the cold of the night and had a cup of tea for four during the Rest of Termosan doldurun.Gün use to gargle.

Makes the patient angry mouth, throat and nasal dryness throughout the day for tea, hibiscus often mouthwash.


Tea: Only a quarter liter of cold water demlenir.1 heaping teaspoon of hibiscus in cold water poured on the night, the morning was cool.
Hand and foot baths: 2 handfuls hibiscus cooled to 5 liters of cold water day and night demlenir.Ertesi eklenir.Banyo bath water twice in a 20-minute sürmelidir.Bu water instead.
Lapa: brewed with hibiscus extract, barley flour mixed, the plant should be warm enough to interfere with the patient, the mixture was wrapped in a cloth of linen or on the affected gland.

9 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Benefits of Tomato

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Until recently, little known by mankind tomato is a vegetable is actually incredibly effective on human health. Of course, before you eat, the benefits of tomatoes, take the natural seed tomatoes. Started today, in our country, genetically modified seeds produced Avoid using expensive tomatoes. Tomatoes grown in organic and natural seeds genetically modified seeds made from tomatoes, more harm than benefits to human health.

The other issue to be aware that the summer tomato vegetables. Write consume tomatoes grown inorganic roads in winter greenhouse tomatoes much more useful. Generally, all the vegetables and fruits in season tüketilince a positive impact on human health.

A lot of people unknown, the benefits of tomatoes are briefly listed as follows; helps balance cholesterol, prevents heart, eyes, useful, prostate and urination difficulties grease remover and has antioxidant properties.

Contrary to popular belief in our society in general thought to be useful. In the eyes of tomato carrot is very effective in lowering blood pressure than the eye Has a preventive effect on the growth of the heart and heart lubrication. In the morning, just before breakfast, half a glass of tomato juice is an important contribution to the maintenance of order on many given. Strong in sports or exercise, especially people who consume in jobs to the tomatoes to prevent heart disease is involved in important need.

Please note that the tomato-allergic effect. Ask your doctor to find out whether it is allergic to tomatoes will help you avoid problems in the future. In addition, some patients with atopic eczema improved on tomato consumption. State, in a controlled manner should eat raw tomatoes can not be ignored, this is a problem for patients with eczema. If you are allergic to tomatoes are substances your body by eating broccoli sprouts have.


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Grows in abundance in our country are dill, olive oil dishes and plenty of salads to the Aegean Sea, which used our people. Troi is little of our people in the eastern regions of the dill is an herb known for preventing diseases.

Particularly rich in vitamin C, and D Dill. Dill, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism patients to solve the problem, the complaint is. The leaves and stalks dill, an effect on the thyroid Anethole'dir article. Dill leaves and stems of these chemicals in combination with other substances in the thyroid has regular work.

Crucial point to note is that by your doctor that you use drugs on a regular basis still exist. Stop the medication to treat himself by eating only dill, never try.

15-20 minutes before meals for a month and a sprinkling of fresh dill, eat the thyroid can work regularly. I have neck and swallowing astonished left you will see remarkable ease the situation.

In addition, a pinch of fresh dill would be eaten before meals satiety triggered by the request of the appetite to eat less not forget closing. Many chemical drugs for weight loss thyroid used to study thyroid disease affect the operation of the trigger yakalanılmasını. Before the meal is a very practical and fresh dill eat regularly, so you can weight in a healthy way to lose. Of course, you must not neglect the need to train.

Finally, another thing to keep in mind that you can get nice from the outside to wash fresh dill. With a low chlorine content (if possible at all) Be sure to rinse thoroughly with water agricultural remedies.


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Removing persistent cough is very common during the winter is the perfect mallow flower. Latin mallow "Althaea officinalis is known as". Hitmiye, Hire, Hollyhock, Devegülü used names like Flower of the cylinder to identify this beautiful flower. Popularly known as dry cough and discomfort during the winter season are known, can adversely affect the lives of most of us at a later date can infections of the upper respiratory tract. On the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria in the body through injury provides a comfortable placement.

Prepared simply need mallow tea, lemon peel and mint called peace Manco may be used, as described in the song.

Pour a cup of boiling water and stir after adding a pinch of hollyhock. After the closing of the lid and allow to cool for 2-3 minutes. Marshmallow Flower tea 2-3 times a day produced in this way in a very short time to get rid of cough. Is a feeling of relaxation, and reduce to prevent coughing and bacteria to enter the body directly.

After drinking the tea prepared mallow not eat or drink anything else for a while. Thus, the central flowers Marshmallow penetration of substances will be easier. Especially the feeling of coughing consume acidic drinks beverages stay away from this type of trigger. If you are a smoker for at least half an hour after drinking tea, mallow flower smoke. Children agedlike drink this tea. Öksürüklerini mitigated in a few days.