Rosacea (rose disease) is a
skin condition that usually begins in the mid 30s. Rosacea is a disease, increased disease, also known as gülleme. Face, particularly the nose, will appear redness and pimples on their own. Rozesea exact cause of the disease is unknown, Rosacea (rose disease) by vitamin B deficiency, alcohol, cigarette smoking and depression in sayılsa. Rosacea (rose Disease) kızarıklarından complained especially about the nose is a common feature in the stomach and digestive problems. A common feature is that. Burning eyes and sensitivity to sunlight Rosacea is a disease that people with mental, social and physical problems that creates.
Roadsides and banks of the old wall harabeliklerde, and people where they live, grown near the flowers and vegetables in the gardens. So many kinds of flowers and leaves are grown in Anatolia, is called a non-discriminatory "Mallow".
Mallow, stems, flowers and leaves contains gel-like substance. Collected stems, leaves and flowers from June to September between. Although some of the properties of the dried plant yetirmesine be used as dry substance.
Preparation: In a cup of warm water, half a teaspoon of finely chopped
hibiscus (1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons) on the next day was added and let steep for 1 night warmed slightly by filtration.
Rosacea (Gülleme), where disease is caused by the rash around the nose and eyes, and is made of a cotton swab. This water shall not exceed 2 per day drank tea, mouth, gargle with water are made.
Emphysema in the lungs, which improves shortness of breath, and hibiscus tea. In this case be drunk three cups of tea per day, plant flowers and leaves first and filtered then the rest of the top side and on göhüs compress the lungs must be heated.
Eye dryness and burning hibiscus tea, bath and very good results can be used to compress.
Hibiscus tea, mucosal inflammation, gastritis, cystitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract inflammation of the stomach and intestines effectively.
Balgamlarında lungs, cough and voice kısıklıklarında useful. Inflammation of the tonsils and mouth hibiscus tea is very successful.
Hibiscus tea wounds that are caused by inflammation of blood vessels, çıbanlarda, swollen feet and hands. In these cases, the foot and hand baths are made.
Ulcers of the digestive tract is very good to drink barley soup with mixed results. Barley leaves of the plant are boiled and then cooled and added to drink this soup.
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