10 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Benefits of carrot

Known, carrots have a direct positive influence to see to many other benefits. Especially children and the elderly are recommended to be consumed by. Effective support in the fight against the disease in terms of vitamin content can be hosted. Known to have a major impact on the carrot in many ways.

Origin in Asia and the Mediterranean over a lot more. Grown in these soils are often comes to the fore as a big advantage for us. Goes toward the inside of the vertical base, the orange color. The flesh is rich in the mouth when in a long time so resilient eaten too strenuous. The food is very tasty and sweet. Salads, dishes, desserts are sine qua non. They have a place obtained in the culture of many Turkish food produced in these countries is due to say.

Rich in sugar. Sugar instead of white sugar for children so that they would meet the needs of crops like carrots accurate. Simultaneously engaged, B, C contained, D vitamin and E vitamin. Of course, do not forget the positive effect of vitamin A for the eyes.

How to consume carrots?

It is recommended to consume more raw carrot. Since the high temperature properties of vitamins can lose the contents have contained. Be taken to get enough vitamin A is recommended for both the shell and the other is consuming for professionals. Pulp causes the intestines. It should also be noted that the carrot is rich in mineral salts.

Strengthens the heart and lowers cholesterol. Involved in the production of red blood cells and white blood cells are blood-forming effect. Approximately 40 calories in 100 grams of carrots is known. The food will help those who want to lose weight naturally. Definitely should make a habit of carrot consumption in children. To act accordingly result in greater benefits.

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